Beyond the Physical part 2 – How to grow the Soul

Do you feel you are more than just a physical structure? Hormones and neurotransmitters are broadly responsible for the way we feel, our consciousness. But what is consciousness itself? The way I experience reality and respond to life is very unique and different from yours or anyone else’s. 

I was brought up believing Science had all and the only answers available to us. This is a very difficult subject and one I am trying to make sense of since a long time, since an evening and night in Daramkot (Daramshala) north India, when I experienced something really special, when I got in deep touch with the Soul. 

Since then I delved more and more into philosophy and practiced Yoga, in some of its many forms, regularly and assiduously. I realised that Science knows very little about human consciousness. And even philosophy, amazing and life enhancing as it can be, is still a method of the mind. I am talking of something here that goes beyond the mind.

As I once did, I see the majority of people being very much geared towards achieving the material. They forget to spend time growing their life energy, their vitality, their Soul.

Yoga, meditation, but also long distance running, cross country skiing, sailing or even independent travel provide a sense of experience which is not sufficiently analysed and made sense of in the learned books of knowledge. Creating art is also a very individual and rich way to experience the world, healthy beyond the physical. Achieving a sense of flow and total purpose, being in the moment, in touch with the most amazing, godly side of us makes the Soul grow.

Human beings can be reduced to machines, doing the same simple task over and over again, slaving away in a factory or in front of a spreadsheet, 8 hours a day. Man can be degraded to animal status too, killing, raping and pillaging in the many wars that stained history. Or can be elevated to the highest standing, when painting The Creation Of Adam, singing soprano or playing the violin in an opera house.

And beyond the physical, to the immaterial, is what I believe modern men and women will increasingly want to go, as material abundance benefits us and starts to become redundant. People will increasingly realise the sheer amount of time and effort employed to get money outweighs the benefits of owning stuff and spending on distractions and entertainment.

One of the quickest and most amazing ways to tap into a higher level of consciousness, to experience the Soul is Fasting, particularly when coupled with some sort of spiritual stimulation.

A practice as old as Greek philosopher Plato or medicine father Hippocrates, Fasting is one of the most ancient healing traditions in human history. This solution has been practised by virtually every culture and religion on earth to attain better health & spiritual enhancement. 

In Christianism, the Book of Acts records believers fasting before they made important decisions. Fasting in the Buddist monastic community is considered an ascetic practice, a “dhutanga”. Yom Kippur is the most important day of the Jewish year-cycle and Fasting as a means of repentance is expected of every Jewish man or woman. Some Hindus fast on certain days of the month such as Ekadasi, Pradosha, or Purnima. And the world famous Ramadan, is so important as being the 4th of the 5 Pillars of Islam.

As Fasting is my passion and profession, I saw hundreds of people going through this very beautiful experience. I practice prolonged fasting once a year myself and intermittent fasting regularly. The way different foods (or lack thereof) impacts your hormones and neurotransmitters is quite extraordinary, if you think about it.

Moments of deep connection with oneself, others or Nature, a feeling of belonging, being present and in the moment, are very precious and highly beneficial states we all need to experience and cultivate as human beings. Vitality enhancing and Soul enriching practices, when coupled with material stability and comfort, have the potential to make your life richer. Much richer. Still in doubt? Come here and experience the magic. Don’t be afraid, give it a go! 

Fasting for the soul
The Fight Between Carnival and Lent by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (parody)

